FileSender – send large files securely

The FileSender service ensures easy and secure transfer of large files using a web browser. The files can be transferred to one or multiple recipients.

FileSender is a secure and practical alternative, for instance when a file is too large to send as an email attachment. The service has been tested with files up to 1000 GB.

Who can use the service?

FileSender can be used by researchers, students, lecturers, and administrative staff at research and education organizations.

Organizations that want to use FileSender must be connected to the research network, with Sikt as internet service provider.

To send files, users must use Feide login, and therefore the organization must be a Feide host organization.

The recipient can be anyone.

FileSender is easy to use for sending large files

This is how you send files via FileSender:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with Feide
  3. Enter the email addresses of the recipient(s) of the files (the recipient does not need to have a Feide account)
  4. Enter a subject and a message for the recipient(s)
  5. Set an expiration date (optional, maximum 21 days)
  6. Upload the files you wish to send
  7. Check the box to accept the terms of service
  8. Press "Send"

The system stores the files and sends a message to the recipient with a link to the files. A copy of the message is sent to you. The recipient clicks on the link to download the files. Once this is done, a confirmation is sent to you.

Use FileSender to share various files with multiple recipients

FileSender is a service that is easy to use and you can share a variety of files. With FileSender, you can:

  • Share files of all sizes with modern browsers that support necessary HTML5 functionality. As of today, Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox are the most frequently used.
  • The maximum file size per is currently set to 250 GB. Contact us if this should be increased.
  • Share files sized up to 2 GB with older browsers.
  • Send files to 100 recipients simultaneously.
  • Have files available for download for up to 21 days.

Security Advice

Useful advice to protect you from files being available to outsiders:

  • Request a download link instead of sending the link by email. (This only applies to files you send.)
  • Transfer the download link to the recipient in a secure manner. Check with your own IT department how this should be done at your institution.
  • Consider encryption in the transmission, or encryption before transmission. The recipient must receive the decryption key in a secure manner.
  • Limit the number of downloads.
  • Have a short lifetime on the transfer.
  • When you ask for files, an email is always sent to the recipient you ask for a file from. The risk here is that some outsiders get hold of the link and send you a fake file. Ensure that it is the correct sender.
  • Request a log of all events for the transfer. Check the log.

The service in its entirety is produced within the Norwegian HE sector, and Norwegian law applies. Sikt is the service provider, and USIT at the University of Oslo is responsible for the technical service delivery. Data is stored temporarily at USIT.