Create a data management plan (DMP)
There is a lot to consider when collecting data for a research project: Data collection, storage and sharing with project participants. With a data management plan, you make informed choices and ensure safe data processing at all stages of your project.
What is a data management plan?
A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that describes how to handle your research data from the beginning to the end of your project.
More and more research funders, including the Norwegian Research Council, are demanding that projects have a data management plan, otherwise known as a DMP.
Create a data management plan
Sikt's DMP gives you an interactive platform that supports you in making informed choices throughout your project.
Log in to get started with Sikt's DMP
What do you get with Sikt's DMP?
A data management plan will ensure good and safe handling of data throughout the research process, the best quality data, and that data lives on and can be reused after the end of the project.
Sikt's DMP is:
- Adapted to different disciplines and research at all levels
- Interactive and offers you choices based on the information you provide
- Adapted to different types of funding (European Research Council, Norwegian Research Council, etc.), and meets the requirements of Science Europe
- A dynamic tool that can be updated along the way and shared with all project participants.
What information should be included in the plan?
- Who is responsible for taking care of the data during and after the project, and what resources are needed.
- How you will ensure that the data is well organised and adequately documented.
- The volume and type of data set is generated/used.
- How you will ensure that your data is ethically and legally compatible.
- Where you will securely keep the data during the project's lifetime.
- Plan for long-term preservation and making your data available to others.